Council Agenda for 5 May 1997

This is a copy of the agenda as issued by the City Clerk's office -- but this version is not official! Contact the City Clerk's office 415-377-3420 for an official version. This is provided by Fantasia Systems Inc. and Glenn Tenney as a service to the community... we are not responsible for errors of any kind. Please let us know if you find this of use.



   MONDAY, MAY 5, 1997

7:45 p.m.   Agenda Review - Council Conference Room C.
8:00 p.m.   Redevelopment Agency and Regular Session - Council Chambers

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

   Roll Call.
   1.   Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting of April 22, 1997.
   2.   Other Business - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.
   3.   Adjourn as Redevelopment Agency.

   The matters numbered 4 through 11 below are considered to be routine by the City Council and may be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.

   4.   Commendatory Resolution - Richard Graham


     Resolution No. C-3 1997 Commending Fire Inspector Richard M. Graham for His Services with the San Mateo Fire Department September 16, 1963 - September 16, 1996.

5.   1997-98 Central Parking and Improvement District (CPID) Vacancy Claims

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and approve the 1997-98 Central Parking and Improvement District (CPID) Vacancy Claims as described in Exhibit A to the Administrative Report.

6.   1997-98 Application and Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Funds

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and approve 1997-98 Application and Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Funds and direct staff to submit them to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Adopting the 1997-98 Action Plan and Adopting an Amendment to the 1995-2000 Consolidated Plan for Community Development Block Grant and Homes Funds.

7.   Accept Work - Mongini Sewage Pump Station Improvements

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and accept work of Tri-Mode, Incorporated for Mongini Sewage Pump Station Improvements, in final amount of $276,395.16; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Accepting Work and Authorizing the Director of Public Works to File a Notice of Acceptance Mongini Sewage Pump Station Improvements.

8.   Accept Work - 1996-97 Base Failure Repair and Street Improvements - Phase I

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and accept work of G. Bortolotto and Company for 1996-97 Base Failure Repair and Street Improvements - Phase I, in the final amount of $544,576.98; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Accepting Work and Authorizing the Director of Public works to File a Notice of Acceptance 1996-97 Base Failure Repair and Street Improvements - Phase I.

9.   Accept Work - 1996-97 Sewer Video Inspection

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and accept work of Jones Construction Company for 1996-97 Sewer Video Inspection project, in the final amount of $68,947.55; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Accepting Work and Authorizing the Director of Public Works to File a Notice of Acceptance 1996-97 Sewer Video Inspection Project.

10.   Purchase - Fairway 7-Gang Mower

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Parks and Recreation and reject lowest bid from H. V. Carter Co., Inc. and accept second lowest bid from West Star Distributing, Inc., and authorize purchase of one Fairway 7-Gang Mower in amount of $48,275.17.

11.   Ordinances for Adoption - PA 95-035 Bay Meadows Specific Plan

   Concur in recommendation from Director of Community Development and adopt:

   (a)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Section 27.02.160 Regarding Density Transfer.

   (b)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Adding Chapter 27.88 to Create a Zoning District Called "Bay Meadows Specific Plan."

   (c)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Section 23.06.035 Regarding Demolition Permits.

   (Introduced April 22, 1997, Items 14b, 14c, 14d.)

   ACTION:     Adopt CONSENT CALENDAR or take other action.


12.   Fire Department Organization Changes

   Communication from Personnel Organizational Development Manager and Fire Chief recommend Council approve the following organizational changes: 1) modify educational requirements of job specifications for Fire Battalion Chief and Fire Captain Classifications; 2) reallocate 3 FTE Firefighter/Engineer positions to Fire Captain; 3) reestablish Fire Marshall classification. Reallocate (1 FTE) Deputy Fire Chief to Fire Marshal position and modify job specification; 4) reestablish Assistant Fire Marshal classification. Retitle to Deputy Fire Marshal, reallocate 1 FTE Fire Captain to Deputy Fire Marshal position and modify job specification; 5) reestablish Fire Prevention Inspector I/II and modify job specification; 6) establish 1 FTE Secretary position; and 7) reclassify one Administrative Aide position to Management Analyst I/II.

   ACTION:     Approve recommendation; or take other action.


13.   San Mateo Municipal Code Amendment - Parking Meter Rates

   Communication from Director of Public Works recommending amendments to San Mateo Municipal Code Chapter 11.44 regarding Parking Meter Rates.

   (a)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Certain Sections of Chapter 11.44 Regarding Parking Meter Rates -- for introduction.

   ACTION:     Approve recommendation and introduce ordinance; or take other action.


Open hearing, hear testimony, close or continue hearing on the following:

*14.   Appeal of Public Works Commission Decision: Removal of Supplemental Stop Signs at Clark and Crescent Avenue; Appellant: Guy H. Heimsoth

   Communication from Director of Public Works recommending Council: 1) uphold decision of the Public Works Commission to remove the supplementary stop sign at eastbound approach and retain supplementary stop signs at the other three approaches at Clark Drive and Crescent Avenue intersection, OR 2) support appeal and approve the removal of supplementary stop signs at all four approaches of Clark Drive and Crescent Avenue intersection along with the installation of 65' red curb on Crescent Avenue in front of 2 Pinecrest Terrace and 21' of red curb on Crescent Avenue in front of 150 Clark Drive.

   ACTION:     Approve recommendation; or take other action.

15.   OTHER BUSINESS - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.


*   NOTE: This is a final decision concluding all administrative proceedings. Judicial review may be had only if a petition is filed with the Court not later than the 90th day following the date the decision is made. Judicial review of the environmental determinations may be subject to a time period for litigation as short as 30 days following the date the decision is made.

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