Council Agenda for 2 June 1997

This is a copy of the agenda as issued by the City Clerk's office -- but this version is not official! Contact the City Clerk's office 415-377-3420 for an official version. This is provided by Fantasia Systems Inc. and Glenn Tenney as a service to the community... we are not responsible for errors of any kind. Please let us know if you find this of use.




Monday, JUNE 2, 1997

6:45 p.m.   Keep San Mateo Beautiful Poster Contest Award Presentation and Reception - Atrium

7:00 p.m.   Closed Session - Labor Relations, Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, Employee Organizations: Police Officers Association, Police Sergeants, General, and Management Units; City Negotiator: Jim Nantell - Conference Room C

7:45 p.m.   Agenda Review - Conference Room C

8:00 p.m.   Redevelopment Agency and Regular Session - Council Chambers

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


   Roll Call.

   1.   Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of May 27, 1997 and Regular Meeting of May 19, 1997.


   2.   Proposed Mid-Year Amendments to 1997-98 Two Year Business Plan (To be Considered with Item 16)

     Public hearing on Proposed Mid-Year Amendments to 1997-98 Proposed Two Year Business Plan City of San Mateo and San Mateo Redevelopment Agency Operating and Capital Improvement Program.

     ACTION:   Continue discussion to Study Session of June 9, 1997 and continue to public hearing to June 16, 1997, or take other action


3.   Other Business - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.

4.   Continue meeting as Redevelopment Agency and City Council.


The matters numbered 5 through 15 below are considered to be routine by the City Council and may be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.

5.   Agreement - Employee Vision Care

   Concur in recommendation of Personnel and Organizational Development Manager and approve agreement with The Eye Care Network to provide vision care benefits; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and The Eye Care Network to Provide Vision Care Benefits (Not to Exceed $70,000.00).

6.   Authorization to Submit Proposal to David and Lucile Packard Foundation for Volunteer Project

   Concur in recommendation of Personnel Organizational Development Manager and authorize a grant application to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation for funding a two year continuation of City's Volunteer Program; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Authorizing the City of San Mateo to Apply for Funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation for a Two-Year Continuation of the City's Volunteer Program from August 1, 1997 - July 31, 1999.

7.   Ordinance for Adoption - Abandoned Shopping Carts

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development and adopt:

   (a)   Ordinance No. 1997 ___ Adding Chapter 17.29 to the San Mateo Municipal Code Regarding Shopping Cart Removal, Impoundment, Disposal.

   (Introduced May 19, 1997, Item 19a)


8.   Ordinance of Introduction - Year-End Budget Balancing Transfers FY 1996-97

   Concur in recommendation of Finance Director and approve year-end general funds budget balancing transfers totaling $315,400 from the operating reserve; and introduce:

   (a)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Transferring Certain Amounts From the Operating Reserve to Designated Departments ($315,400).

9.   General Obligation Bond Tax Rate for 1997-98 @ $0.0064 per $100/A.V.

   Concur in recommendation of Finance Director to levy property tax rate of $0.0064 per $100/A.V. for debt service on voter approved General Obligation Bonds to be collected by County of San Mateo; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ___ (1997) Fixing the 1997-1998 Tax Rate on Voter Approved General Obligation Bonds.

10.   Agreement - Peninsula Sports Officials - Adult Sports Officiating Services

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Parks and Recreation and (a) approve an exception to competitive bidding process, (b) authorize Parks and Recreation to enter into agreements with Peninsula Sports Officials for Adult Sports Leagues officiating services in an aggregate amount not to exceed $85,000 for 1997-98.

11.   Megan's Law - Public Disclosure Information

   Concur in recommendation of Police Chief and adopt policy to allow Police Department to disclose information to public in accordance with Megan's Law.

12.   Award of Contract - 1996-97 CDBG Repair/Reconstruction of Lorraine Avenue, Ottawa Street and York Avenue

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and award contract to C. F. Archibald Paving, Inc. in the amount of $280,498.50 for the 1996-97 CDBG Repair/Reconstruction of Lorraine Avenue, Ottawa Street and York Avenue; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and C. F. Archibald Paving, Inc. for the 1996-97 CDBG Repair/Reconstruction of Lorraine Avenue, Ottawa Street and York Avenue ($280,498.50).


13.   Approval of FY 1997-98 Funding for San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (STOPPP) General Program

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and approve use of San Mateo County Flood Control District as funding mechanism for San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (STOPPP) General Program in FY 1997-98; and adopt:

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving Fiscal Year 1997-98 Funding for the San Mateo County-Wide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program Through the San Mateo County Flood Control District.

14.   Commendatory Resolution - Jack Cavallero


   Resolution No. C-4 1997 Commending Public Works Superintendent Jack A. Cavallero for His Services with the San Mateo Public Works Department March 1, 1964 - June 20, 1997.

15.   Ordinance for Introduction - Sewer Service Charge (Sets Public Hearing for June 16, 1997)

   Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and A) establish annual sewer service charge of $2.14 per hundred (100) cubic feet (CCF) of water used, to be assessed upon the users of the sewer system; B) Council hear comments on June 16, 1997 and set annual rate to be charged per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used (as required to raise the revenues), as shown in the 1997-98 Sewer Enterprise Fund proposed budget for sanitary and storm sewer systems and facilities pursuant to Section 3.54.070 of the Municipal Code; and introduce:

   (a)   Ordinance No. 1997-____ Setting the 1997-98 Sewer Service Charge.

   ACTION:   Adopt CONSENT CALENDAR or take other action.


Open hearings, hear testimony, close or continue hearings on the following:

16.   Proposed Mid-Year Amendments to 1997-98 Two Year Business Plan (To be considered with Item 2)

   Public hearing on Proposed Mid-Year Amendments to 1997-98 Proposed Two Year Business Plan City of San Mateo and San Mateo Redevelopment Agency Operating and Capital Improvement Program.

   ACTION:   Continue discussion to Study Session of June 9, 1997 and continue to public hearing to June 16, 1997, or take other action.

17.   Laurelwood Drive Assessment District

   Communication from Director of Finance recommending adoption of resolution which sets annual assessments for Laurelwood Assessment District for FY 1997-98.

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Setting Annual Assessment for the Assessment District "Acquisition of Lots 23 and 24, Laurelwood, Assessment District" -- for adoption.

   ACTION:   Adopt resolution, or take other action.

18.   Approval of DBIA Report and Resolution to Levy DBIA Annual Assessments

   Communication from Director of Community Development recommending Council confirm 1997-98 Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) annual report and levying of annual assessment.

   (a)   Resolution No. ____ (1997) Levying the Annual Assessment (1997-98) for the Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) -- for adoption.

   ACTION:   Approve recommendation to approve 1997-98 DBIA annual report and levying of annual assessment, adopt resolution, or take other action.


19.*   Appeal of Planning Commission Decision: PA97-007 Pedersen Arnold IV., 400 East Fourth Avenue; Appellant: Central Neighborhood Association

A.   Negative Declaration to assess environmental impacts.

B.   Site Plan and Architectural Review to add approximately 4,500 square feet on an existing commercial building, currently under renovation; to construct a new freestanding 4,775 building; to reduce the number of on-site parking from 77 to 69 parking spaces; to modify on-site landscaping; and to relocate off-street loading zones to an on-site loading area.

The property is the entire block bounded by Fourth Avenue, Claremont Street, Fifth Avenue, and Railroad Avenue. Zoning is CBD-S.

Project Planner:   Robert McDonald, Associate Planner

Owner/Applicant:   Jackson Amador Associates

         22634 Second Street #207

         Hayward, California 94541

   ACTION:   Uphold decision of the Planning Commission and deny the appeal by approving: 1) the Negative Declaration as adequate to assess the environmental impacts of the project, based on the findings attached in Exhibit A; 2) the portion of the Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) which includes the 4,500 square foot expansion of the existing retail building associated loading zones and landscaping, based on the findings attached in Exhibit A and conditions attached to Exhibit B; 3) denying the portion of the Site Plan and Architectural Review which includes the construction of a freestanding 4,775 square foot building with associated on-site loading area, based on the finding attached in Exhibit C; approve appeal; or take other action.

20.   OTHER BUSINESS - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.


*   NOTE: This is a final decision concluding all administrative proceedings. Judicial review may be had only if a petition is filed with the Court not later than the 90th day following the date the decision is made. Judicial review of the environmental determinations may be subject to a time period for litigation as short as 30 days following the date the decision is made.

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