Council Agenda for 6 October 1997
This is a copy of the agenda as issued by the City Clerk's
office -- but this version is not official! Contact the City Clerk's
office 415-377-3420 for an official version. This is provided by Fantasia
Systems Inc. and Glenn Tenney as
a service to the community... we are not responsible for errors of any kind.
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Monday, October 6, 1997
7:45 p.m. Agenda Review - Conference Room C
8:00 p.m. Redevelopment Agency and Regular Session - Council Chambers
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call.
1. Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 8 and Regular Meeting of September 15, 1997.
2. Bond Financing for Downtown Redevelopment and Shoreline Redevelopment Project Areas
Communication from Finance Director recommending Agency: authorize issuance and sale of Redevelopment Agency merged area Tax Allocation Bonds 1997, Series A and B, and Housing Bond 1997 Series A; approve necessary forms, designation of bond counsel services, and procurement of insurance; and authorize all necessary actions in connection with issuance of such bonds.
(a) Agency Resolution No. ____ (1997) A Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Mateo Authorizing and Directing the Issuance and Sale of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Mateo Merged Area Tax Allocation Bonds, 1997 Series A and 1997 Series B (Taxable), and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Mateo Housing Set-Aside Tax Allocation Bonds, 1997 Series A (Taxable); Approving the Forms of and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Indentures, Escrow Agreements, Bond Purchase Contracts, Continuing Disclosure Agreements and an Official Statement; Designating Professionals Providing Bond Counsel Services; Authorizing the Procurement of Bond Insurance; and Authorizing the Taking of All Necessary Actions in Connection with the Issuance of Such Bonds -- for adoption.
ACTION: Approve recommendations and adopt resolution, or take other action.
3. Other Business - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.
4. Adjourn as Redevelopment Agency.
5. Bond Financing for Downtown Redevelopment and Shoreline Redevelopment Project Areas
Communication from Finance Director recommending Joint Powers Financing Authority authorize and direct execution and delivery of bond purchase contracts and taking of all actions necessary in connection with issuance of bonds by Redevelopment Agency of City of San Mateo.
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) A Resolution of the City of San Mateo Joint Powers Financing Authority Authorizing and Directing the Execution and Delivery of Bond Purchase Contracts and the Taking of All Actions Necessary in Connection with the Issuance of Bonds by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Mateo -- for adoption.
ACTION: Approve recommendation and adopt resolution, or take other action.
The matters numbered 6 through 14 below are considered to be routine by the City Council and may be enacted by one motion without discussion. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed and considered separately.
6. Award of Contract - Professional Services - Financial System
Concur in recommendation of Finance Director and approve selection of KPMG Peat Marwick to provide professional services relating to selection of "Financial System" for cost not to exceed $42,000, authorize Finance Director to execute contract; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and KPMG Peat Marwick for Professional Services to Develop and Select a Financial System (Not to Exceed $42,000).
7. Ordinance for Adoption - Change of Name - Fire Prevention Division to Bureau of Fire Protection and Life Safety
Ordinance No. 1997-____ Changing the Name of the Fire Prevention Division to Bureau of Fire Protection and Life Safety.
(Introduced September 15, 1997, Item 10a.)
8. Ordinance for Adoption - Correction to Secondary Units
Concur in recommendation of Director of Community Development to correct occupancy provision of Secondary Unit section of Zoning Code as suggested by evaluation required by HUD; and adopt:
(a) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Section 27.19.040(a) of the Municipal Code Regarding Occupancy Limits in Secondary Units.
(Introduced September 15, 1997, Item 15a.)
9. Ordinance for Adoption - Corrections to Clerical Errors
Ordinance No. 1997-____ Correcting Clerical Errors on Recently Adopted Ordinances.
(Introduced September 15, 1997, Item 12a.)
10. Agreement - Volunteer Center of San Mateo County
Concur in recommendation of Personnel and Organizational Development Manager and approve updated agreement with Volunteer Center of San Mateo County to continue Volunteer Program funded by David and Lucile Packard Foundation from 1997 through 1999; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and the Volunteer Center of San Mateo County to Provide the Volunteer Program Funded Through a Grant Proposal by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
11. Program Supplement Agreement - Caltrans Marina Lagoon Branch Twin Bridges Replacement Project, and Supplemental Budget Appropriation and Transfer of Funds
Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and: approve program supplement agreement with Caltrans to fund preliminary engineering, construction and construction engineering for bridge replacement on Mariner's Island Boulevard with $3,749,600 (80%) Federal funds and $937,400 (20%) local match; approve $97,400 fund transfer from Bridge Maintenance-Citywide project to Mariner's Island Boulevard Bridge Repair Project and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of Agreement Between City of San Mateo and State of California (Caltrans) to Fund Preliminary Engineering and Construction for the Bridge Replacement of the Marina Lagoon Branch Twin Bridges on Mariner's Island Boulevard;
and introduce:
(b) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Appropriating $389,600 in Supplemental Budget Appropriation from Federal Funds for FY 1997-98 for the Mariner's Island Boulevard Bridge Repair Project (90-14.31).
12. Purchase of Equipment and Award of Contract - East Hillsdale Boulevard Traffic Signal Improvements and Interconnect Project
Concur in recommendation of Director of Public Works and authorize by 4/5th vote the purchase of traffic controllers and cabinets from Intersection Development Corporation for $41,450 and award contract to Mike Brown Electric Co. for East Hillsdale Boulevard Traffic Signal Improvements and Interconnect Project in amount of $57,515; and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of the Agreement Between the City of San Mateo and Mike Brown Electric Company for the East Hillsdale Boulevard Traffic Signal Improvements and Interconnect Project ($57,515).
13. Ordinance for Introduction - Revisions to Heritage Tree Ordinance
Concur in recommendation of staff and Park and Recreation Commission and adopt amendments to Chapters 10.52 (Heritage Trees, 17.38 (Street Trees), 27.71 (Landscape, Zoning Code) and 1.04 (General Penalty) of the San Mateo Municipal Code; and introduce:
(a) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Chapters 10.52, 17.38, 27.71, and 1.04 of the Municipal Code as They Address Heritage and Street Trees, Parking, Curb Markings, and Posted Signs.
14. Renewal of Agreement - Staff Services, Inter-City Transportation System Management Agency (ITSMA)
Concur in recommendation of City Manager and approve renewal of agreement with Dana DuVerney to provide staff support to Inter-City Transportation System Management Agency (ITSMA); and adopt:
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) Approving and Authorizing Execution of Agreement Between City of San Mateo and Dana DuVerney to Provide Staff Support to the Inter-City Transportation System Management Agency.
ACTION: Adopt CONSENT CALENDAR or take other action.
15. Bond Financing for Downtown Redevelopment and Shoreline Redevelopment Project Areas
Communication from Finance Director recommending Council: approve issuance and sale of Redevelopment Agency merged area Tax Allocation Bonds 1997, Series A and B, and Housing Bond 1997 Series A.
(a) Resolution No. ____ (1997) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Mateo Approving the Issuance and Sale of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Mateo Merged Area Tax Allocation Bonds, 1997 Series A and 1997 Series B (Taxable) and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Mateo Merged Area Housing Set-Aside Tax Allocation Bonds, 1997 Series A (Taxable) -- for adoption.
ACTION: Approve recommendation and adopt resolution, or take other action.
16. * PA 97-056 Code Amendment, Pharmacy Drive-Through Facilities
A. Code Amendment to allow drive-through facilities for pharmacies upon approval of a special use permit.
Project Planner: Stephen Scott
Project Applicant: Long's Drug Stores
141 N. Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
By Gary Veasy
(Approved by Planning Commission on September 8, 1997, by a vote of 4-0.)
(a) Ordinance No. 1997-____ Amending Title 27 (Zoning) of the San Mateo Municipal Code Sections 27.30.020 and 27.38.030 to Allow Drive-Through Facilities for Pharmacies in Commercial Zones Upon Approval of a Special Use Permit -- for introduction.
ACTION: Uphold recommendation of Planning Commission and introduce ordinance; or take other action.
17. OTHER BUSINESS - The public may present testimony on a matter within the business of this body that is not on this evening's agenda.
*Note: This is a final decision concluding all administrative proceedings. Judicial review may be had only if a petition is filed with the Court not later than the 90th day following the date the decision is made. Judicial review of the environmental determinations may be subject to a time period for litigation as short as 30 days following the date the decision is made.
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